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Miniroos are the youngest members of our club, ranging from our U5 teams, with kids turning 5 this year playing for the first time, through to our U11 teams.

These teams all play at Duke of Kent oval on Saturday. The time slots for each age group will be set by Football Wagga Wagga (FWW) once all the clubs nominate teams. As soon as this happens we will post the information.

Majority of our Miniroos teams are coached by a parent and the club provides plenty of resources to help. We arrange a coaches training night each season so you can get a hold on's much easier than it may seem. Please let the club know if you are interested in helping your child's team.

Miniroos  U5 - U11

MINIROOS SEASON START - Saturday 29th April

(From Season 2022 - 2023 not released however same expected)
All games on Saturday at Duke of Kent Oval

  • u5 - 13:15

  • u6 - 9:00 (Black) & 10:15 (White)

  • u7 - 11:15 (Black) & 12:15 (White)

  • u8 - 11:15 (Black) & 12:15 (White)

  • u9 - 9:00 (Black) & 10:15 (White)

  • u8/9 Girls - 13:15

  • u10 - 9:00 (Black) & 10:15 (White)

  • u11 - 11:15 (Black) & 12:15 (White)

  • u10/11 Girls - 13:15

© 2018 Lake Albert Soccer Club. All rights reserved. 

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