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The Lake Albert Soccer Club was formed in 1984 by Chris Blake, John Studdard and Peter Hersom. With the love of soccer and all having young children, they saw the need to form a soccer club in the Lake Albert area. The initial principles and objectives of the club were to provide enjoyment, friendship and aid in the development of players both mentally and physically and to always support those who excel in the sport.

In 2017, the club had over 450 registered junior players playing in grades from under 5’s to under 15’s,
making it the largest club in Wagga. Junior soccer is played predominantly at Duke of Kent Oval. In 2018 we are on track to field over 60 teams in junior competitions.
Lake Albert has been one of the strongest clubs in Wagga in recent years and has a proud history of playing competitive football in the right spirit. Lake Albert fields teams in mens 1st grade through to 4th grade as well as the senior women's competition. Lake Albert’s home ground was Rawlings Park 6 at the northern end of the park.
Lake Albert Soccer Club has developed a number of long term objectives including:
To ensure all coaches receive development training suitable to their role
To ensure quality executive and financial management of the club
To secure long-term sponsorship with major sponsors
To establish a first class playing and training facilities at Rawlings Park
A number of short term objectives have been developed, some of which complement the
long term objectives above.
To improve the ‘club identity’
Improve the existing training ground at Rawlings Park
Implement regular updates and a better website
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